9 Tips For Business Owners To Get Through Covid-19 Successfully

No doubt you've kept up to date with the Corona Virus plaguing the world. All sorts of people are commenting on it. And I've been doing some thinking. And I've made 9 points you should think about and plan in order to get through this really well.

The thing is, the business that get through change are the businesses where the leaders think about things. So... here are my 9 points.

  1. Stay calm. Be the leader. Don't get side tract or panicked by everything on social media. Lead. It means making decisions and doing stuff. Your team are looking for someone who has confidence and who is a leader.

  2. Talk to your team. Talk about your health and safety priorities and about sanitising.

  3. Check with your suppliers. Schedule well ahead. Look way down the track for various jobs and check that with the critical elements you have enough supplies.  Check the basics such as a few extra fittings and nails etc.

  4. Document key roles. If you've got key people in roles in your business, if those roles aren't documented and they're away, no one can step in and take over the essential parts of the role. If those key roles aren't documented yet, don't panic. Just get everyone to document in bullet points what they do on a weekly or monthly basis so you have the beginnings of their process.

  5. Plan for remote work. Talk to your team about what they need to do about working remotely.  This only applies to your office team.

  6. Plan to live in recession. It's likely that we're going to face some months of recession. So how do you live in recession? In recession you need to go for market share. 

    What happens is the whole market contracts a little...not a whole lot, just a little. So all you need to do is to increase your market share a little and you will keep up. 

    Market share is really shaped in the sales area. So work with your sales people to make sure they're able to retain their leads and get those sales.

  7. Treat your customers well. Remember they're people too. They're also looking for people who are confident, who are secure, whose businesses are going to survive. So make sure you treat them well and you'll get referrals from them too

  8. Sharpen up your reporting features. Make sure your company reporting is coming out at least monthly. Makes sure your team are reporting to you on a weekly basis so you know where things are at. So if you do need to make changes you have up to the minute information.

  9. Be proactive. Don't sit around waiting for governments to intervene. The only place governments get their money from is from people like you and I who work and give them taxes. So make sure that you are proactive.

    Think about what you could do if the current environment was to continue long term. What changes could you come up with.

    You see, although we're going through changing times, business leaders like you have already been through changing times. You've changed from being an employee to being an employer. You see all it takes is for you to adapt to a new environment.

So...go for it. Be nimble. Be quick. Lead your people.

To your success!


P.S. Whenever you’re ready….here are 4 ways I can help you grow your building business:

1. Grab a copy of my free book

It’s a road map of a successful 15 minute sales call that’s guaranteed to increase your conversion rate. Click Here to download

2. Join Trade Mates and connect with builders who are scaling too.

It's our new Facebook community where smart builders learn to get more income, time and freedom. View our free business resources for builders. Ask questions of like minded business owners and business coaches. Give your knowledge and expertise to help others. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/TradeMates/

3. Join My New  Group

I’m starting a new group called “OnRamp” to kick start sales and marketing in your business. If this sounds like you, message me with the words, “OnRamp”, and I’ll get you all the information.

4.  Join Loft Members

If you’d like help to get off the tools, make more money and get your life back...just  message me and put “LOFT MEMBERS” in the subject...tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.