Builder Success Story: My Building Business Was Stagnant!

Builder Success Story: My Building Business Was Stagnant!

Before we started our coaching relationship, Randy told me that his home building business had stagnated, that he was buried in endless paperwork and that it was difficult commanding the profit margins necessary to create the revenue and cash flow he wanted.

There were lots of little things he wanted to do to improve but he just couldn’t seem to get around to it.  His business life was just too busy. Maybe you know the feeling?

Say's Randy, "I wanted to hire a coach that could hold me accountable, provide me with the right ideas and who would push me in the right direction and help me set and accomplish my goals.”

Well…we’ve been working together for a little over two months now, so it’s early days. But Randy tells me that already the accountability of our weekly meetings is keeping him on track. He expects to finish the year strongly and set himself up for a successful and prosperous next year.

You see, success in a building business is not always about the big things. More often than not, it about getting the little things in the right places so that everything can work together synergistically.

If You're ready to take your building business to the next ready, complete "Your Next Step"

Watch more Builder Success Stories:


P.S. Whenever you’re ready….here are 4 ways I can help you grow your building business:

1. Grab a copy of my free book

It’s a road map of a successful 15 minute sales call that’s guaranteed to increase your conversion rate.

2. Join Trade Mates and connect with builders who are scaling too.I

t's our new Facebook community where smart builders learn to get more income, time and freedom. View our free business resources for builders. Ask questions of like minded business owners and business coaches. Give your knowledge and expertise to help others. -

3. Join My New  Group

I’m starting a new group called “OnRamp” to kick start sales and marketing in your business. If this sounds like you, message me with the words, “OnRamp”, and I’ll get you all the information.

4.  Join Loft Members

If you’d like help to get off the tools, make more money and get your life back...just  message me at and put “LOFT MEMBERS” in the subject...tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.

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