Builder: Three Things to Know About Timing Facebook Posts


This is a guest post by Jon Randles, co-founder of Mosh, a team of social media experts who work with companies to transform their social media marketing.  You can catch one of their workshops at practical workshops.

Right. Now you’re using Facebook and expecting it to bring you building leads. You hear so much about it’s power that you wonder if it can work for your renovation business. Yes of course it can. But there are some things you need to know about how it works. Because posts don’t last long, but get replaced by other posts flitting across your fan’s screens, it is well worth finding out when to post.

 In this post I will outline for you three things you can learn about the timing of your posts that will increase the chances of your posts being seen.

1. Don’t Overwhelm Them

This might sound counter-productive – but it is not. We suggest that you post only 3 or 4 times a week - unless of course you have really great news to share. Why so rarely? Just as easily as your fans can like you they can Un-Like you. Especially if you start to bore them or fill up their Newsfeed. So don’t overdo it.

2. Catch Them at the Beginning of the Day

As far as timing goes, many people catch up on their Facebook activity at the end of the day and during weekends, but research shows that morning posts get the most interaction - particularly on a weekday. It appears that people catch time to read and share post earlier in the day, but compose and send longer items at the end of the day. However, this trend varies, and might be different for your target audience. So test ccarefully.

3. Learn the Response Trends

Because there are so many different people using Facebook, the average trends may not be true of your fans. So be patient and watch the response trends on your Page, and identify the frequency and timing that works best for you. Be as consistent as you can and measure the responses, then make a change and stick with that for a time while you measure any changes in the response trends. Do this and you will become an expert in your specific fan base.


  • Pace: 3, 4 posts a week max unless you have something exceptional to share. This doesn’t include replying to other’s comments.

  • Post early in the day for better results

  • Learn from the response trends in your page

Talk Back

So are you using Facebook?I’d love to hear of your stories and experiencesPost your comments below.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready….here are 4 ways I can help you grow your building business:

1. Grab a copy of my free book

It’s a road map of a successful 15 minute sales call that’s guaranteed to increase your conversion rate.

2. Join Trade Mates and connect with builders who are scaling too.

It's our new Facebook community where smart builders learn to get more income, time and freedom. View our free business resources for builders. Ask questions of like minded business owners and business coaches. Give your knowledge and expertise to help others. -

3. Join My New  Group

I’m starting a new group called “OnRamp” to kick start sales and marketing in your business. If this sounds like you, message me with the words, “OnRamp”, and I’ll get you all the information.

4.  Join Loft Members

If you’d like help to get off the tools, make more money and get your life back...just  message me at and put “LOFT MEMBERS” in the subject...tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.


Builder: 4 Simple Keys to Posting Great Content on Facebook


Builder: Three Keys to Promoting Your Business on Facebook