Enhance Your Team’s Productivity with the DISC Profiling Tool

Builder part of a successful team of builders

Imagine how useful it would be if you knew some of the following about your team members:

  1. How they go about solving problems

  2. How they prefer to relate to people

  3. How they respond to change 

  4. The kind of environment in which they work best

  5. How you can get the best from them by knowing their best behavioural strengths

  6. How understanding their preferred working environment improves their satisfaction

  7. Their unique communication style -  so you can improve communication and relationships, promote credibility, and gain increased productivity.

  8. What not to do when communicating with them i.e. what creates barriers

  9. Knowing how they can best contribute to a team

  10. Things that will motivate them and enhance their performance

  11. Areas you can help them grow and develop

Further as a hiring tool it can help you

  1. Identify the Right Fit - Help you understand the personality traits of applicants and ensure they align with the specific requirements of the role and the culture of your company. This leads to better team cohesion and productivity - from day one!

  2. Improve Communication - Enables you to tailor your communication approach to match their style, making the onboarding process smoother and more effective.

  3. Reduce Turnover - Hiring the right person the first time reduces turnover costs. Insights gained will help you select people who are more likely to thrive and stay longer in their roles.

DISC profiles - $NZ98.00 (excl GST) per person.

Each profile includes:

  1. An in-depth DISC profile 

  2. A detailed report with actionable insights you can apply immediately

Should you wish to discuss your report(s) further, you can book a one-on-one session with me  where I will explain further how you can use the profiling tool to get the best from your team members.

Simply download and complete as many questionnaires as you need and return to me so I can process and return (just make sure that each person reads the instructions fully before beginning).  Return to: graeme@thesuccessfulbuilder.com

Include your company name so I can invoice the correct entity.